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national economy
social entrepreneurship
commercial organization
non-profit organization
sources of financing
economic efficiency
financial stability

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The article examines foreign and domestic theoretical and economic approaches to the study of social entrepreneurship, highlights the characteristics inherent in social entrepreneurship that distinguish the phenomenon from traditional non-commercial and commercial organizational and managerial forms of Doing Business: 1) priority of the social mission; 2) innovativeness; 3) targeting; 4) mixed sources of financing; 5) duality in evaluating effectiveness; 6) investment nature of activities; 7) Financial Stability; 8) limited distribution of profits. As a result of identifying and studying the main characteristics of social entrepreneurship, as well as the views of scientists on the significance of the above characteristics in the definition of social entrepreneurship, the parameters are identified according to which the views of scientists in the humanities on social entrepreneurship are different: 1) the boundaries of social entrepreneurship; 2) forms of social entrepreneurship; 3) the essence of social entrepreneurship; 4) innovativeness; 5) sources of financing; 6) restrictions in the distribution of profits; 7) restrictions on areas of activity. It is noted that currently almost all researchers note the mandatory priority of the social mission, targeting of activities, and financial stability as the main characteristics of social entrepreneurship. It is proposed to include the following in the main characteristics of social entrepreneurship: mixed sources of financing, duality in evaluating efficiency, and limited profit distribution. The definition of social entrepreneurship is formulated as an activity aimed at implementing the proclaimed social mission related to improving the well-being and quality of life of certain groups of the population, using mixed management methods and sources of financing, capable of generating income, which is directed primarily to the implementation of the social mission. It is determined that the main subjects of social entrepreneurship are social enterprises in the form of commercial, non-profit organizations or private entrepreneurs, whose activities correspond to the characteristics of social entrepreneurship indicated in this study. The main contradiction characteristic of social entrepreneurship is highlighted – the desire to achieve a social mission, on the one hand, and the need to generate income, on the other hand, as a result of which other contradictions arise – in combining sources of financing; in assessing the effectiveness of a social enterprise – the need to evaluate both social and economic efficiency; in the need to maintain the financial stability of activities and the desire to achieve an investment social effect.
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