Scientific Publications
Також друкується збірник наукових праць „Підприємництво і торгівля”.
Entrepreneurship and Trade
Branch of science: economics
Periodicity: 6 times a year
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English, Polish
Professional registration (category «B»):
Decree of MES No. 1643 (Annex 4) dated December 28, 2019; Decree of MES No. 491 (Annex 4) dated April 27, 2023Specialities: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and Taxation; 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market; 073 Management; 075 Marketing; 076 Business and Trade.
The collection is a professional scientific and peer-reviewed publication, which releases original articles that reveal the results of scientific, practical, educational and methodological research on the theory and practice of trade and entrepreneurship. The bulletin provides sharing experience and highlights current issues of organizing the activities of economic entities in various business fields in Ukraine and abroad. Methods of optimization of small, medium and large business entities, increase of their operational efficiency and capacity building are developed and justified. The target audience of the bulletin is researchers, entrepreneurs, managers of trade and manufacturing companies, teachers of higher education institutions, graduate students, students of economic and technical specialities.
Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe
Branch of science: economic.
Periodicity: 6 times a year.
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English, and Polish.
Professional registration (category B): Decree of MES of Ukraine № 1017 (Annex 3) dated September 27, 2021
Majors: 051 Economics; 073 Management; 075 Marketing; 241 Hotel and Restaurant Business; 242 Tourism
The purpose of the journal is to facilitate the publication of the outcomes of empirical and theoretical researches, lay the groundwork for public discussion and evaluation of research findings, and create a platform for sharing ideas and research outcomes among Ukrainian and foreign scientists. -
Herald of LUTE. Economic sciences
Branch of science: economics
Periodicity: 3-4 times a year
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English, Polish
Professional registration (category «B»):
Decree of MES No. 1643 (Annex 4) dated December 28, 2019Specialities: 051 – Economics; 071 – Accounting and Taxation;
072 – Finance, Banking and Insurance.The Herald is a professional scientific and peerreviewed publication in which original articles reveal the results of scientific, practical, educational and methodological studies of modern problems of economic theory, concepts of economic development on macro and micro level, systems of finance, accounting, analysis, audit, economic security, taxation, mathematical methods and information technologies in economics, international economic relations, modern management and marketing and other branches of economic science. The target audiences of the Herald are scholars, civil servants, teachers of higher education institutions, students and representatives of the business environment.
Herald of LUTE. Technical sciences
Branch of science: technical
Periodicity: 2 times a year
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English, Polish
Professional registration (category «B»):
Decree of MES No. 409 (Annex 1) dated March 17, 2020Specialities: 132 – Materials Science; 181 – Food Technologies; 182 – Light Industry Technologies.
The Herald is a professional scientific and peer-reviewed publication in which original articles reveal the results of scientific, practical, educational, methodological and research developments in the field of technical sciences.
Herald of LUTE. Legal sciences
Branch of science: juridical
Periodicity: 2 times a year
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English, Polish
Professional registration (category «B»):
Decree of MES № 157 (Annex 4) dated February 9, 2021Specialities: 081 – Law.
The collection is a professional scientific and peer-reviewed publication, which releases original articles that reveal the results of scientific, practical, educational and methodological research on the legal science and practice.