Keywords: craft beer, residual aftertaste, coniferous extract, flavor method, aroma number


Abstract. The article investigates the formation of the taste and aroma of beer with the addition of pine needle extract using the flavour profile method, determines the total content of substances that determine the aroma of the drink. The aim of the article is to theoretically and experimentally identify the regularities of the influence of natural plant components from pine needles on the formation of taste and aroma of craft beer. The expediency of using non-traditional plant materials in the production of the beverage is scientifically substantiated. As an additional raw material for the production of beer, pine needles were chosen, which are close to hop cones in chemical composition and properties. The article substantiates the partial replacement of the main and most expensive component ‑ hop cones ‑ with pine needles in the beer recipe. The rational ratio of hops and pine needles in the form of an extract in terms of freeze-dried raw materials was determined by the method of expert evaluation. It was found that the beer made according to the classical recipe and the developed beer "Emerald" have the same indicators of hop bitterness, which confirms the feasibility and correct choice of raw materials for replacing hops and preserving the taste characteristics of the drink. The yeast flavour was moderately intense in all beer samples, indicating that the addition of coniferous extract did not change the fullness of the flavour of the beverages. The coniferous tone was the last to be felt: it was barely recognisable in the drink with 10% hop replacement and was very intense with 25% hop replacement. It was found that the taste sensation of astringency increases due to the high content of polyphenolic (tannins) substances in the coniferous extract. With an increase in the amount of additional plant material to 25%, a faint woody flavour appears due to the content of terpenes in the coniferous extract, which form a specific taste. The research has shown that the most harmonious and balanced samples are those with 15% and 20% hop replacement. The overall impression of these beverages was rated as three, with a subtle or perceptible piney aftertaste that quickly disappears. It was found that the beer "Emerald" contains a biological complex consisting of aromatic substances (by the number of aromas) in the amount of 3361 Na2S2O3/100 ml, and the beer was produced using the classical technology 2170 Na2S2O3/100 ml. The results obtained show that the aroma-forming substances of pine needles have a positive effect on the overall taste and aroma of the drink, since the organoleptic characteristics of beer are the main ones in the tasting assessment of its quality. The creation of the new «Emarald» beer, enriched with biologically active substances by introducing an additional ingredient in the form of pine extract, will expand the range of drinks in the relevant industry with a high level of quality and original organoleptic characteristics.


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