Keywords: refrigeration equipment, technology, modernization, trade equipment, energy characteristics


The article raises important issues of priority tasks of increasing the level of efficiency and equipping industrial refrigerators and commercial refrigeration equipment for supermarkets. The issues of improving the methods of analysis of refrigeration equipment in the systems of ensuring the active production of cold are put under the research. The component of improving the efficiency of operation, technical service and diagnostics of refrigerating equipment (refrigerating machines) and refrigerators based on timely modernization based on the assessment of their condition in real time, taking into account the uncertainty of information about refrigeration production, is considered. Considerable changes are shown, which are observed today to the increased requirements for the technical equipment of refrigerators from the point of view of environmental safety, improvement of storage conditions, preservation of the quality of food products. Consumers are putting forward increasingly high demands for the need to introduce modern refrigeration equipment, in addition, environmental requirements should be taken into account in regulatory restrictions on food storage temperatures, energy consumption and the use of new types of refrigerants in refrigeration units. Simulated conditions for the production of cold and the effects of operational failures of parts of refrigerating machines on the efficiency of the entire technical system and equipment, as an alternative to purchasing new equipment. Formalized methods of identifying cause-and-effect relationships between events (failures) and initial indicators of the freezing process and their elimination are shown. An alternative to the purchase of new equipment through modernization and re-equipment of existing equipment is proposed. For this, individual features of the company's technological processes should be taken into account and then proceed with the modernization of refrigeration systems. The quality of the functioning of the equipment depends on many factors, and mostly on the quality of its components. Considered types of modernization of refrigerating machines according to their aggregation. Modernization was shown in the context of replacing the refrigerant and (or) oil, in the current working system, and the issue related to the compressor, changes in its performance and efficiency in connection with new thermodynamic characteristics or changes in functionality, such as regulation of overheating on expansion devices, changes in humidity. Assessed risks from different types of modernization.


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