Keywords: waffle cakes, storage, packaging, oxidation


It is possible to ensure longer preservation of products with the help of modern packaging materials, which should significantly affect the shelf life of food products, while maintaining the best possible quality indicators. The main problem during the packaging of flour confectionery products is their high fat content, which during long-term storage leads to rancidity of the products. The impact on the preservation of the developed waffle cake “Grechanka” using non-traditional raw materials with antioxidant properties of such packaging materials as cardboard boxes with polyethylene lining, polystyrene containers with a lid, bags made of polyamide and food-grade polyethylene (thickness 40 microns) with a modified gas environment (MGS) (20 % СО2 and 80 % N2) and vacuum bags made of food-grade metallized polypropylene (thickness 25 μm) under standard storage conditions (temperature (18±3)°С and relative air humidity no more than 75 %) for 9 months. It has been proven that the new wafer cake during storage under standard conditions showed higher stability according to organoleptic indicators and the ability of additives to bind free radicals and inhibit lipid oxidation. It was determined that vacuum bags made of metallized polypropylene and bags made of foodgrade polyamide and polyethylene with MGS showed high barrier properties regarding the quality of wafer cakes during storage. Packaging based on heat-sealable polymer materials slowed down the deterioration of the quality of waffle cakes: the appearance of the products did not deteriorate during storage, and the wafer sheets and filling did not peel off. The highest indicators were in products packed in vacuum bags. It has been proven that the use of these packages blocks the course of oxidation processes in the fat fraction of the filling of waffle cakes and preserves organoleptic indicators, which comprehensively contributes to the preservation of the quality of products for up to 9 months, which is 3 months more than the warranty period of validity of waffle cakes according to current regulatory documentation. Further research will be aimed at adjusting the recipes of the developed waffle cakes with fat fillings in order to improve their preservation.


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