Keywords: tinctures, ice cream, cranberry, ripening, freezing


The article analyzes the modern assortment of ice cream with an alcoholic component. In the production of alcoholic ice cream, all types of alcohol are widely used – from beer to strong vodka. But the use of alcoholic beverages as an ingredient in ice cream creates many questions for the technologist, one of which is a significant decrease in the cryoscopic temperature. In the developed countries of the world, there is a tendency to decrease the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages. Vodka, balm, punch and other strong alcoholic beverages are used as part of low-strength cocktails. Therefore, the development and use in ice cream of new types of tinctures with a strength of 20% vol. of alcohol is an actual issue today. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the composition and technological modes of production of dairy ice cream using cranberry-based tinctures. The choice of alcoholic tincture in the composition of ice cream is substantiated. The organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of cranberry tinctures with an alcohol content of 10 to 20% were studied. The possibility of using tinctures with an alcohol content of 20% in ice cream has been scientifically confirmed. Based on the values of the dynamic viscosity coefficient, the selection of the structure stabilizer and rational modes of maturation of the mixtures are substantiated. It is determined that the ripening time of mixtures for STAB stabilizers is set at 3 hours, Cremodan and guar gum at 4 hours. The cryoscopic temperature of ice cream mixtures with an alcohol content of 2, 4, and 6% was studied. It was determined that the introduction of tinctures in the amount of 4% in the mixture of milk ice cream conditions the possibility of using generally accepted freezing modes with obtaining a product of guaranteed quality. A new type of ice cream, with the use of tinctures, can be recommended for the introduction of the classical technological scheme of ice cream production with clarification of the modes of the mixtures maturation. The prospect of further research consists in a comprehensive study of organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators of new types of alcoholic ice cream during storage.


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