Keywords: flax, hemp, processing, properties, quality


The manuscript is devoted problems of development of resource-saving technologies of complex processing of bast-fiber plants. In the manuscript factors of deterioration of processing sphere of the light industry, the quality of bast raw materials associated with changes in consumer market requirements, noncompliance with technical and technological requirements of preparation, harvesting and processing of stem material and other factors are researched. The aim of the work is to find ways to improve the production conditions of the processing of bast crops and to solve the problems of improving the physical and mechanical properties of flax and hemp fibers. The paper also provides the analysis of trends in the development of processing sphere of the light industry, investigates the technological features of processing bast-fiber plants and assesses the directions of using of natural fibrous production. The article contains theoretical and experimental researches in the field of the processing of flax and hemp raw material. The results of experimental and theoretical studies of production processes for obtaining processing products show that the studied mechanical methods of processing bast raw materials are based on the use of different approaches to the production of fiber products. The conditions of technical and technological capacities of processing enterprises of the light industry does not enable to receive the high-quality natural fibrous products, therefore production changes of processes of raw materials are required. The changes technological features of stem material processing and the application of structural design of the devices and equipment for processing bast-fiber raw materials can provide a increasing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of flax and hemp fibers.


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