Keywords: beer wort, energy saving, technology, secondary thermal energy resources, saving of energy resources


The ever-increasing cost of gas, oil and other energy sources requires not only their rational use in agro-industrial enterprises, but also the development and implementation of innovative technologies and equipment aimed at saving energy and energy, taking into account economic, environmental and social aspects. Food production, in particular we will consider the production of beer, is energy-intensive process, so to minimize it the rational use of energy and resources is required. Energy saving in the food industry is one of the most important factors that contributes to raising the competitiveness of domestic goods. The perfection of a process can be assessed by the number of secondary energy resources generated during production: the less secondary heat is generated, the more efficient the technology. Modern technology must be waste-free, but often the output of secondary thermal energy resources is inevitable, so it is necessary to use them fully and skilled. It is proved that the introduction of energy-saving technologies in the food industry can significantly reduce production costs and increase profits at the enterprise. The existing ways to reduce energy consumption in the preparation of beer wort in beer production are considered. Measures to increase the use of secondary thermal energy resources are described. The combination of several technologies in one project allows to expand the functionality of energy saving by returning to production not only the heat of secondary steam, but also the heat of hot hopped wort, which is removed from the hydrocyclone apparatus at the fermentation stage. Therefore, given the available technologies, there are still opportunities to use and reduce energy consumption in the brewing industry.


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