Keywords: shortbread cookies, non-traditional additives, recipe, technological scheme, organoleptic indicators, physicochemical indicators


At the present stage, the issue of balancing the composition of shortbread cookies, which is characterized by a high content of fats, carbohydrates and low – proteins, dietary fibres, vitamins, minerals, etc. and the chemical composition does not meet the requirements of nutrition. Therefore, the main purpose of research is to develop a recipe and improve the technological scheme of production of shortbread cookies with adjusted composition. An important factor in justifying the choice of non-traditional additives for the production of new shortbread cookies was their chemical composition. Thus, during the development of the recipe for new shortbread cookies “Orange Cheese” (as a control sample was chosen recipe for basic shortbread) we replaced part of the main raw materials with non-traditional additives, namely part of premium wheat flour low-fat cottage cheese and basil leaves, and part of the butter on cold pressed sea buckthorn oil. Also, sugar was completely removed from the recipe of the new shortbread cookies and the amount of extra salt was increased. The use of low-fat cheese led to the use of additional technological operation in the traditional technological scheme of production of shortbread cookies – its grinding to a homogeneous mass with the gradual addition of basil leaf powder and salt of extra grade. Examining the organoleptic characteristics of new shortbread cookies by sensory methods according to the requirements of DSTU 3781: 2014 and using the developed 50-point scale of quality assessment, it was found that the new cookies in organoleptic characteristics significantly exceed the control sample. Orange cheese shortbread cookies were well baked, had an elongated oval shape, with smooth edges, a pleasant aroma, light orange color and salty taste with a harmonious taste of basil and sea buckthorn. Having determined the physical and chemical parameters, which are regulated by the state standard, it was determined that the new shortbread cookies meet the requirements. In the future it is planned to investigate the effect of non-traditional additives usage on the chemical composition of new shortbread cookies, as well as on its amino acid, fatty acid, mineral and vitamin composition.


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