Keywords: pea flour, donuts, titrated acidity, nutritional value, yeast dough


The article investigates the possibility of using pea flour in the technology of donut products in order to increase their nutritional value. The purpose of this article is to determine the effect of pea flour on the organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of the finished product, as well as the processes occurring in the yeast dough during its maturation. An analytical review of the literature on the analysis of ways to improve the nutrient composition of donuts by adding to their recipe raw materials rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and more. The possibility of using pea flour to increase the nutritional value in other technologies, in particular in the production of bakery and confectionery products, is analyzed. The influence of pea flour on physicochemical and organoleptic indicators of quality of ready donuts is investigated. It is determined that the maximum dosage of pea flour in the amount of 20% by weight of premium wheat flour leads to a decrease in the quality of finished products. The course of maturation processes in yeast dough with the addition of pea flour in terms of acid accumulation in the dough, the activity of lactic acid bacteria and changes in the volume of the dough during the whole fermentation period is analyzed that does not contain gluten proteins. Based on organoleptic evaluation and physico-chemical studies of dough and finished products, the rational dosage of pea flour in donut technology is substantiated, which is 15% instead of premium wheat. Finished products have high consumer properties and increased content of protein, dietary fiber, vitamin and minerals compared to the control sample without additives.


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