Keywords: flour products, products from puff yeast dough, technology, cruffins, rice flour, Matcha tea, sea buckthorn puree


The article explores topical issues of using raw plant materials with high nutritional value in a cruffin technology. The purposes of paper are to substantiate the technology of cruffin enhanced nutritional value through the addition of vegetable raw materials to the recipes: rice flour, matcha tea and sea buckthorn puree, to study the effect of these additives on the formation of technological indicators of dough and finished products, and as a result - to expand the range of cruffins with enhanced nutritional value and reduced calorie. To study the structural-mechanical and physicochemical indicators of the products quality standard methods are used. The article presents a review of the literature on the topic of the study. The directions for enriching puff pastry products are shown. Сruffin technology is described. It shows how cruffins technology differs from puff pastry technology. The quality parameters of the incoming raw materials are investigated. Two research phases were implemented according to the proposed model systems. It was determined that a sample containing 15% rice flour and 5% Matcha tea as a substitute for wheat flour has the best quality indicators. The sample has the correct shape, light brown in color with a green tint, pleasant taste with a tea flavor and herbal aroma. The possibility of using sea buckthorn puree to replace part of the butter for lamination of the product is shown. A mixture of butter and sea buckthorn puree in an amount of 2% to 10% was added to the sample formulation containing the optimal amount of rice flour and Matcha tea. It was found that the moisture content of the sample with the maximum amount of additive increased by 1,5% compared to the value of the control sample and amounted to 27,5%. The acidity of the sample with 10% sea buckthorn puree is 3,6 degrees, which is 1,1 degrees higher than that of the control cruffin sample. However, a decrease in the mass of butter for lamination led to a decrease in the specific volume of products by 9,4%. According to the results of the organoleptic analysis, it was found that the addition of sea buckthorn puree makes it possible to obtain products of high quality. The samples have a regular shape and layered structure, light brown in color with a green tint, pleasant taste with a tea flavor and a fruity-herbal aroma. The results are shown that a sample containing 15% rice flour and 5% Matcha tea for a wheat flour substitute and 6% sea buckthorn puree for a butter substitute has the best quality indicators.


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