Keywords: stem, fiber, raw material, equipment, processing


Abstract. The article is devoted questions of modern development and functioning of the resource-saving technologies of processing of bast crops. Now fiber production requires significant analysis and revaluation, due to significant destructive changes in the processing industry of Ukraine. The bast-fiber plants are the most difficult to process, and when harvested, they produce seeds and straw or retted straw. The lack of production of specialized equipment in Ukraine for primary processing of technical plants and the high cost of foreign equipment hinder the re-equipment of the processing industry to the latest technologies. The aim of the work is to find increasing ways technical and technological characteristics of processing equipment of bast-fiber of raw materials. In the manuscript also provides the analysis of the equipment used in industrial enterprises requires modernization, as it is obsolete and physically worn out, which reduces equipment efficiency and the profitability of the industry. The article contains theoretical and experimental researches directions of the development and implementation of modern technologies for processing bast crops using effective development of components and nodes of the breaking and scutching unit parts, which due to innovations can significantly improve the separation and purification of fiber from non-fibrous parts of recyclable material. The article notes that the creation of a technological innovation line creation of a technological innovative line for producing purified fiber from the bast raw material and, on its basis, modernization of technological equipment was carried out according to the scheme of fiber production from polydisposed bast-fiber material stems. The proposed design of the assembly for processing the stems of bast crops provides ultimate conditions for breaking the links between wood and bast fiber, sufficient separation of the wood part of the stems from fibrous part, effective purification of the fiber from non-fibrous impurities, which, in general, has a positive effect on the performance of the assembly and provides for the versatility of its use due to the possibility of processing different types of bast fiber raw materials in different production conditions.


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