Keywords: meat products, software, production, design, software product


Abstract. The article considers current scientific and applied areas in the food industry for modeling their recipes with the set consumer properties. The results of the research of the possibility of applying the methods of mathematical modeling of the meat products multicomponent recipe composition are given. The characteristic of software design operations of the meat production technological process is given. One of the ways to implement this task is the formal description and sequence of the process of meat products production, in particular sausages, and the interaction of individual elements of the system. For this purpose, the optimal simulation model is developed, the ultimate task of which is a computer program or a software package. When creating the software of the considered system the information order of user needs is developed on the basis of application of the basic links of intelligent interfaces of the developed architecture, diagram of packages of a software complex (SC) «Framework Mit», diagrams of basic packages of the module,“Regulatory and Reference Documentation”, “Products Recipes”, “Production Tasks”. The relevance of meat products modeling with a given chemical composition, enriched with functional food ingredients is substantiated. The creation of foods with a high level of nutrient balance and enrichment of daily rations, which is performed by computer simulation of meat recipes is considered. The main phases of simulation modeling of the adopted classical algorithmic approach to modeling with further development of computer programs are considered. The stages of the software design of the technological process of meat products production and the user interface of the meat production technologist are analyzed. The necessity of forming a mathematical model of meat products design by building a mathematical description of processes and subprocesses of the system, consisting of a set of special analytical and probabilistic mathematical models of different nature and the formalism used is showed. Algorithms have been developed that simulate the processes described by special mathematical models. The formation of a general modeling algorithm into a single whole occurs accordingly with the logic of cause-and-effect relationships of processes and subprocesses that occur in a real system.


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