Keywords: dough, wheat bread, subcritical water, onion peel extract, bread quality indicators


Abstract. This work is devoted to the study of the influence of the inclusion in the recipe of onion peel extract on the quality of bakery products, namely white wheat bread. The aim of the work is to study the influence of the use of onion peel extract in the technology of wheat bread on its quality indicators. The object of study is the extract of onion peel obtained by extraction with subcritical water in static mode, dough and bread samples with the addition of extract. Onion peel extract is obtained by a modern, environmentally friendly and energy efficient method – subcritical extraction with water. Three samples of bread were made for the study: control according to the classic recipe and with the addition of onion peel extract with water replacement in the recipe by 0,1% and 0,2% extracts. To determine the main indicators of the quality of the dough and finished products used generally accepted, as well as regulated by SSOU methods and devices. When forming the volume, porous structure and rheological properties of the dough, the best results were recorded in the sample with the addition of 0,1% of onion peel extract. According to the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of the finished product, the best results were also obtained by bread with the addition of 0,1% of onion peel extract. The structural and mechanical properties of bread for 72 hours were studied. storage, the value of elastic deformation of the samples with the addition of 0,1% and 0,2% of onion peel extract by 19% and 17% was more than in the control sample. The addition of onion peel extract to the bread recipe increases the total content of polyphenols and the total antioxidant capacity of the finished product, and during the shelf life the development of microorganisms in the bread decreases relative to the control sample. The use of onion peel extract, obtained by extraction with subcritical water, allows not only to enrich bakery products with biologically active substances, but also to obtain high quality products. Further research should be devoted to studying the effect of inclusion in the recipe of onion peel extract on the quality of other types of bakery products.


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