Keywords: vitamins, mayonnaise, blended oil, high-oleic oil, antioxidant


Increasing the oxidative stability in vegetable oils is an important aspect from the point of view of both the product quality and the preservation of its nutrients. Oxidation of fats in oils leads to loss of quality, changes in taste, smell and texture, as well as loss of nutrients and the formation of undesirable compounds that can be harmful to health. The increased oxidative stability of oils is especially important from the point of view of preserving their nutritional value and increasing the shelf life of products. Particular attention should be paid to the content of vitamin E, which is known for its antioxidant properties. Vitamin E helps protect fats from oxidation, thereby extending the shelf life of the product. In addition, an important aspect is the use of oils with a high content of monooleic acids. These acids help increase the resistance of oils to oxidation, which in turn affects the preservation of nutrients and the overall quality of the product. When using oils with increased oxidative stability in the fat phase of mayonnaise, their shelf life increases. The article presents the results of the development of mayonnaise recipes using blended oils as a mixture of high-oleic and classic linoleic oils with the addition of vitamins. The fatty acid composition of the used oils was studied. Sensory analysis of vitaminized mayonnaise made using blended oils with increased oxidative stability, having a mass fraction of monooleic acids of at least 60%, compared to rapeseed oil of the oleic type, was carried out. The results of sensory analysis confirmed that mayonnaises using blended oils with increased oxidative stability have better organoleptic characteristics compared to those containing rapeseed oil. The taste, aroma and consistency of these products remain unchanged for a long period of storage. In general, the use of blended oils with increased oxidative stability together with the introduction of vitamins is an effective approach to improve the quality and preserve the nutritional properties of mayonnaise. This strategy can be used in the production of food products to ensure their high quality and long shelf life.


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7. Патент України на корисну модель UA 124829 A23L 23/00. Дата подання заявки: 6 листопада 2017 року. Винахідники: Бабенко В.І., Бахмач В.О., Поросюк О.В.