Keywords: carob powder, rusks, nutritional value, quality indicators


An important direction in the development of the baking industry in Ukraine is the expansion of the assortment of bakery products with an increased content of physiologically functional ingredients. This article presents the results of research on the possibility of using carob powder as an enriching raw material to enhance the nutritional value of rusks. The study investigated the impact of carob powder on the microbiological processes during the maturation of dough for rusks by monitoring changes in its titratable acidity. The research also assessed the quality indicators of the bread semi-finished product and rusks, as well as the chemical composition of the new products. Evaluation was conducted using standard methods. Carob powder was added at the dough preparation stage in quantities ranging from 5% to 15%, replacing high-grade wheat flour. It was found that the addition of carob powder accelerates the acid accumulation process in the dough. By the end of the experiment, the titratable acidity of the experimental samples was 10.0% to 26.6% higher compared to the control. Organoleptic evaluation of the bread for rusks showed that with the addition of 5% to 15% carob powder, the bread acquired a more intense color, ranging from light brown to brown as the dosage increased. Products with 15% carob powder did not meet the surface state requirements of the standard, had a denser crumb, and a bitter taste. Bread with the experimental additive had higher moisture content and 7.4% to 25.9% higher titratable acidity compared to the control sample. Adding more than 5% carob powder led to a decrease in the porosity of the bread. Based on the results of organoleptic and physicochemical rusks quality indicators, it was recommended to use no more than a 10% additive for their production. Adding 15% carob powder imparts a bitter taste to the rusks, and the titratable acidity exceeds the regulated limit. Compared to the control sample, rusks with a 10% additive have a higher content of dietary fiber by 2.5 times, potassium by 2.3 times, calcium by 4.0 times, and magnesium by 1.7 times.


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