The article examines the close relationships that exist between food standards and the sale of food products. The management system for the development and application of food standards is described. The importance of the adoption of rules and their coordination with normative acts based on international standards and the need for the country to be ready to benefit from the agreed system of norms is emphasized. Contains useful information for stakeholders involved in the sale of food products, based on accepted standards, regulations and policies on nutrition. This is explained by the fact that implementation is associated with food safety and must meet nutritional standards, increase awareness and potential of the national producer, and encourage cooperation to obtain tangible benefits in the field of public health and the state's economy. The system of Codex standards and WTO agreements is described. Considered the dynamics of the system in practice and the importance of preparation and participation in the Code and the work of the SPS and TBT committees for countries of all levels of development. factors of change that may affect food standards and trade in the future are analyzed. The integrated quality system shown is built according to international standards with common components in order to optimize the circulation of goods between the participating states, which should be established on the basis of general requirements for products. The guidelines in force in the European Union regarding the safety of food products and the requirements of the standard for manufacturers of food products are reflected, the main purpose of which is to assess the supplier's ability to produce and deliver consistently safe products in accordance with its specification. The order of implementation of the IFS international standard is shown. The use of community nutrition standards around the world helps reduce trade costs by increasing trade transparency and efficiency and facilitating the movement of food products in international markets.
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