Keywords: soil moisture, loam, method, compaction, soil.


Abstract. It was determined that a significant number of researchers set the value of optimal humidity depending on the limits of plasticity. That is, it was determined that the optimal humidity depends on the content of clay particles in the soil. The degree of dispersion of soils depends on the conditions of formation of their mineralogical composition. Optimal compaction characteristics depend significantly on the material composition of soils. It was determined that when studying compaction patterns, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between optimal humidity and plasticity indicators. Based on the results of laboratory studies, the average moisture content of the drilling mud samples, the moisture content at the yield point, and the moisture content at the rolling limit were determined. Samples consisting of drilling mud and loam in a ratio of 50:50 were studied. Soil samples with the required moisture content (from 12% to 20% in steps of 2%) were prepared and left for uniform distribution of moisture during the experiment. The soil is precrushed and sifted through a sieve with holes of 1.0 mm. Weights of 3 kg were used for further experiments to determine the optimal soil moisture for its maximum compaction. The average moisture content of the samples was determined. It was established that the lowest value of optimal humidity can be obtained by calculations according to the methodology of V.I. Biruli. Values of optimal humidity were obtained by the formula of V.I. Biruli and the method of O.K. Biruli, N.F.Sasko are close and differ by up to 3%. The optimal humidity was determined using the method of maximum soil compaction using the MDU-1 device. It was established that the value does not significantly differ from the values of the optimal humidity determined by the method according to V.I. Birule. and according to the instructions of DorNDI. It is proposed to provide for measures to bring the soil moisture to the optimum, if the soil moisture differs from this value. If the soil has more moisture than the optimum, then it is necessary to provide for drying by natural drying in the air or by adding drying additives.


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