Keywords: polymers, polyethylene films, physical and chemical characteristics, influence factors, aging.


Abstract. The article carries out an extended analysis of changes in the physical properties of polyethylene films with a small (up to 10 wt. %) content of additives – volatile inhibitors of atmospheric corrosion of metals based on amines, plasticizers, shielding stabilizers, and technological ingredients, which is of considerable scientific interest. The purpose of the article was to study the influence of storage conditions and UV-irradiation on the characteristics of modified polyethylene films and to determine the nominal terms of the protective capacity of the polymer material for storing metal products. For all studies of polymer films that were exposed to the natural environment or in an artificial weather chamber, deviations of the characteristics of the modified samples from the original ones were established in terms of mechanical, diffusion characteristics (oxygen impermeability, vapor permeability) and changes in optical and spectral characteristics. The peculiarities of the process of changing the barrier properties of polymeric materials during different seasonal periods during open storage are considered. The influence of UV radiation was analyzed separately. In the course of the study, it was determined that for open storage conditions, modifying the material of polymer films in order to provide anti-corrosion properties with a small number of applications can lead to significant deviations in the initial characteristics of some samples, up to the complete destruction of the barrier protection. A comparison of the spread of the measured values of vapor permeability of modified polyethylene films under conditions of open and closed warehouse storage and depending on the composition of the material was carried out. Analysis of the effect of storage conditions of modified polyethylene films on changes in physical and mechanical characteristics made it possible to determine the order of usage of the obtained materials. It was concluded that by using a small number of additives – atmospheric corrosion inhibitors to the material of packaging films intended for the protection and conservation of metal products – it is possible to change the conditions and terms of their guaranteed storage.


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