Keywords: products of plant origin, oats, milk alternatives, milk, yogurt-like.


Abstract. The development of plant alternatives for dairy products, which imitate their analogues, is an actual direction of the development of the food industry. The purpose of the article is to study the possibility of using oats in the technology of non-dairy yogurt and to study the physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the product. Oat milk was used to produce a non-dairy yogurt drink for vegetarians. Organoleptic and physicochemical quality indicators were determined according to generally accepted methods. During experimental studies, the optimal parameters for the preparation of oat milk were established and its quality was evaluated. To prepare oat milk, a ratio of oats : water equal to 12: 100 was used. Soaking lasted for 12 hours. Recipe components were selected to improve the taste properties of a non-dairy yogurt-like drink for vegetarians. Sugar in the amount of 6 % of the mass of the mixture was added to the prepared mixture, heated to a temperature of 50 °C. It was then cooled to 42–43 °C and yogurt culture, locust bean gum stabilizer and melon juice were added. Fermentation was carried out until pH 4.7 was reached. After pre-cooling to a temperature of 5–7 °С, yogurt-like drinks were stored and analyzed for 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days. Formulations of new products have been developed based on studies of organoleptic indicators. A study of changes in physical and chemical parameters during storage and establishing the shelf life of new products was conducted. Thus, new non-dairy yogurt-like drinks can conquer the market of dairy products, as they have high nutritional value and high taste qualities and are not inferior to dairy yogurts in terms of consumer characteristics. Further research will be aimed at examining the dry matter content and changes in syneresis during storage of non-dairy yogurt drinks.


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