Keywords: bakery products, bread sticks, grissini, yeast dough products, technology, low-temperature fermentation, white quinoa flour, matcha tea, Hojicha tea.


Abstract. The article investigates the possibility of using vegetable raw materials of high nutritional value in the recipe of grissini. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the technology of grissini using lowtemperature fermentation of yeast dough, using a mixture of high-grade wheat flour of durum and soft wheat varieties, a mixture of white quinoa flour and matcha Hojicha tea, to study the effect of these additives on the formation of technological indicators of dough and finished products, and, as a result, to expand the range of grissini with increased nutritional value with improved organoleptic characteristics. Standard methods are used to study the structural-mechanical and physicochemical quality indicators of products. The article presents a literature review on the topic of research. The directions of enrichment of reduced moisture products from yeast dough are shown. The grissini technology with cold fermentation of dough is described. The quality indicators of the input raw materials are investigated. The research was carried out with proposed model systems. It was established that sample No. 4, was made according to model system No. 1, containing a mixture of high-grade wheat flour of soft and durum wheat varieties in the amount of 70 %:30 %, respectively, has the best structural and mechanical quality indicators. Low-temperature fermentation at 3-5 ºC for 18 hours improves the flavor characteristics of samples. The possibility of adding white quinoa flour and matcha Hodzic tea to the grissini recipe was shown. To do this, white quinoa flour in the amount of 3 % to 23 % and matcha Hojicha tea in the amount of 2 % were added to the recipe of sample No. 4, which was made according to model system No. 1. The best quality indicators were observed in the grissini sample, which included a mixture of soft and durum wheat flour in the ratio of 70 %:30 %, a mixture of white quinoa flour and matcha Hojicha tea in the ratio of 13 %: 2 %. White quinoa flour and matcha Hojicha tea in a recipe made it possible to obtain products of proper quality: the products had the correct shape inherent in this type of product, a yellow to light brown color with a pleasant nutty taste and tea flavor. A further area of research is to substantiate the use of various types of local plant materials in flour products technologies to expand the range of high-quality products.


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