Keywords: sausage products, lawsuit, commercial court case, forensic veterinary examination, regulatory documentation, quality, defects, expiration date.


Abstract. The results of the forensic veterinary examination of the smoked sausage products "Cossack" and "Krakow" 1st grade produced by the Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Berk", for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and regulatory and technical documentation of Ukraine, and the Terms of Ukraine, and the Terms of the Supply Agreement, are given. Supply of products in accordance with the open proceedings, under which the Kyiv Economic Court violated the case on the basis of a statement of claim against Berk LLC (defendant) by representatives of LLC "Native Food" (plaintiff). The decision of the Commercial Court of the city of Kyiv, the case was appointed to the trial. National legislative regulations of Ukraine were used to carry out forensic veterinary examination, which regulate the safety and quality of sausage products. A thorough analysis of the materials of the case of the Commercial Court of the city on the correctness of the procedure of selection of samples of sausage products was conducted, in accordance with the requirements of the current normative legal documentation. According to the presented material of economic business, the quality of smoked sausages is established. "Cossack" and "Krakowska". It was established that the studied smoked sausages made by Berk LLC did not meet the requirements as technical conditions of Ukraine (TU in 4732110–011: 2008) and the National Standard (DSTU 4427: 2005) and the minimum quality specifications (paragraph 3.3 .3, Table 8). Pursuant to Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine «On withdrawal from circulation, processing, disposal, destruction or subsequent use of poor quality and hazardous products», tested sausage sausages are poor, so dangerous, since quality indicators do not meet the regulated standards products of this species by their consumption properties; They do not comply with the mandatory requirement of the relevant regulatory documentation in force in Ukraine, concerning the quality and safety indicators for health and life of consumers. Tempted sausage sausages, according to the analysis of the materials of the court case, cannot be identified as such for which they are issued, since, during the sale of the customer, the manufacturer (seller) delivered the ordered products in violation of supply conditions, altered by appearance, organoleptic indicators of consumption properties of sausage products.


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