Keywords: biological activity, phenolic compounds, grape processing, colloidal turbidity, processing of wine materials


The results of the study of the influence of technological methods of production of table wines and processing of wine materials against colloidal turbidity on antioxidant activity are presented. A comparative analysis of data on the influence of grape processing regimes on antioxidant activity and phenolic composition showed that an increase in the duration of pulp infusion and its contact with the combs leads to an increase in the concentration of such groups of phenolic substances in white table wines as: flavan-3-ols, flavones and oxybenzoins acids, in particular gallic acid. The content of anthocyanins in experimental samples of red table wine materials varies within the range of 13.6 – 562.8 mg/dm3, the highest values were also established during heat treatment of the pulp. At the same time, in all samples of red table wines, the predominance of the anthocyanin malvidin-3-O-glycoside is indicated, the content of which is 20.4-23.5% as a percentage of the amount of anthocyanins. An important element of the technology is compliance with the sulfation regime. The content of such components of the phenolic composition as D-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, flavones (quercetin and quercetin-3-O-glycoside), gallic and cautaric acids, as well as anthocyanins in red wine materials make a significant contribution to the antioxidant activity of wines. The assessment of the propensity of the studied wine materials to colloidal turbidity showed that the technological methods that contribute to the enrichment of wine materials with phenolic compounds also lead to an increase in the colloid fraction in them, which subsequently causes their destabilization.Technological treatment of wine materials with moderate doses of pasting materials, when stability to colloidal turbidity is achieved, does not cause a significant decrease in antioxidant activity. It was established that the use of technologies aimed at increasing the extraction of phenolic compounds leads to an increase in antioxidant activity. It is shown that the antioxidant activity of wine materials treated against colloidal turbidity remains at a high level. The obtained data allow us to conclude that the use of technologies aimed at enriching phenolic compounds in the production of table wines helps to increase their antioxidant activity. 


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