Keywords: hygiene, sanitation, environment, nutrition, prevention, physical health, mental health


It is known that between the state of health and the disease there is a transitional state with a range of intermediates, which are further divided into pre-disease and non-demonstrative pathological processes. Currently more than 50% of the entire population of the planet is in such states. In particular, this is everyone who has bad habits, suffers from vitamin deficiency, weather sensitivity, initial forms of obesity, hypotonia. The article reveals the reasons for the significant deterioration of the environment, related both to the violation of various sanitary norms in production processes, and to the full-scale conduct of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, which, in general, carries a social danger and affects the state of physical and mental health population. It is pointed out that the hygiene and sanitation of housing, work, public and other places of stay are of great importance in shaping a person's physical and mental health. The important role of normal nutrition in ensuring the proper level of personal health is substantiated. The necessity of carrying out a number of primary, secondary, tertiary and individual preventive measures among the population in order to maintain their physical and mental health at an appropriate level is shown. The basic principles of preventive work are formulated. The role of the systematic use of physical exercises and hardening of the body to preserve physiological reserves, the proper level of health and work capacity is shown. Although the body's reserves are an individual indicator, systematic physical exercises can significantly increase them in each person. The value of physical exercises should be considered as a non-specific warning, prevention and cessation of the development of functional abnormalities, primarily from the nervous and cardiovascular system, which is directly related to the level of physical and mental health of a person. It was concluded that in current realities there is an urgent need for further active study of various issues in the field of hygiene and sanitation, which are directly related to improving the state of both physical and mental health of the population. 


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