Keywords: ginger, garlic, mustard, oxidation, meat bread, antioxidants


The development of a fundamentally new approach to the production of finished products is linked to the development of the meat processing industry. Modern packaging materials, food additives and low temperatures help to extend the shelf life of meat products. Technological methods create a barrier to the penetration and development of undesirable microflora in the product for a long time. A decrease in the quality and nutritional value of meat products can be caused by the oxidation of the lipid fraction. This process can be triggered by violations of storage, transportation and sales regimes. The meat industry is constantly experiencing new waves of change. There is a growing interest in consumer nutrition trends, food safety, quality requirements and legislation. Meat preservation is essential to meet modern socio-economic requirements. One of the best ways to protect fat-containing products from oxidation is to add natural antioxidants to their composition. The substances contained in plants are fundamentally more related to the human body by nature than synthetic drugs. Hence, their much greater bioavailability, and relatively rare cases of individual intolerance and drug-related illnesses. In addition, the production of medicines from plants is more cost-effective and technically less complicated. The article deals with the experimental study of the antioxidant properties of compositions (garlic: mustard, ginger: mustard and ginger: garlic: mustard) added in the form of a powder at a concentration of 3.0% by weight of the fat mixture. It was proved that the composition of garlic, mustard and ginger (sample No. 4) is the most effective, which is confirmed by a 3.13 times lower peroxide number and the lowest amount of free fatty acids (1.72±0.13 mg KOH) compared to the control. This composition has a positive effect on extending the shelf life of fat and fatty products.


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