A modern warning system that ensures the quality and safety of food products is a system based on the principles of HACCP. The manufacturer can sell his product only if it meets the requirements that meet international standards. The article analyzes the HACCP implementation procedure, which includes two stages: the preparatory stage and the implementation stage, which includes seven principles formulated in international standards for the HACCP system. The analysis of dangerous factors was carried out with a description of the characteristics of products, processes, determination of dangerous factors and their critical limits. The product description of unfiltered beer was carried out. Indicators of beer safety according to the content of toxic elements, radionuclides, N-nitrosamines and microbiological indicators are given. The identification, analysis and description of risks in the production of light unfiltered beer were carried out according to three types of hazards: biological, chemical, physical. The sources of danger at the stages of the technological process are identified as well as the list of precautionary measures that should be taken is provided. After the list of preventive actions for each stage of beer production, critical control points in the technological process are determined using the "Decision Tree" method, on which the main control over dangerous factors is focused. It was determined that there is a high risk of the appearance of a dangerous factor at several stages: this is the stage of boiling wort with hops and pouring beer into consumer containers. At these stages of production, the loss of control can lead to the release of a product that is dangerous to the life and health of consumers.
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