Motivation for a healthy lifestyle among students, the formation of a high behavioral level in relation to their lifestyle is an urgent issue of our time. Proper nutrition ensures normal growth and development of the body, determines mental and physical development, optimal functioning of all organs and systems, formation of immunity and adaptive reserves of the body The article is devoted to the analysis of nutrition of first-year students of higher education, determining the emphasis on the formation of a conscious attitude to nutrition as a factor in maintaining health and high performance of students. The data of modern scientific literature on the problem of the influence of nutrition on the state of health of students are analyzed. According to the results of the research, it was found that most students eat situationally, in a hurry, unconsciously. It was found that such nutrition leads to an imbalance of digestive processes, physiological disorders and various diseases. The rhythm of life, mental stress, lack of time provoke the development of such forms of behavior that are more oriented to other values than taking care of one's own health. Recommendations are proposed to solve the problem of students' compliance with the diet as a factor in the formation of their health culture. In order to improve the health of young people, it is important to motivate them to eat healthy and teach them how to properly form their diet. It has been determined that raising the level of education of student youth in matters of healthy nutrition is one of the priority tasks in motivating a healthy lifestyle. In the future, we will study in detail the students' diets by the main food groups, the priorities and preferences in their choice, as well as the methods of heat treatment of food consumed by students.
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