The article presents methodological foundations for quantitative assessment of the national standardization system development level for bast fibers. The relevance of developing such methodology is substantiated in the context of world economy globalization and the need to increase the competitiveness of domestic products in the international market. Based on a systematic analysis of existing approaches to bast fiber quality assessment, a comprehensive system of indicators and evaluation criteria has been developed, including five key groups: technological methods of quality assessment, measurement objectivity, standards informativeness, equipment modernity, and compliance with international requirements. Weighting coefficients have been determined for each group of indicators and detailed evaluation criteria have been developed using a 5-point scale. A mathematical apparatus is proposed for calculating group and integral indicators of the development level, which takes into account the relative importance of various aspects through a system of weighting coefficients. An evaluation scale and criteria for interpreting results have been developed, allowing for clear determination of the system's development level and its degree of lag from the reference system. The methodology was tested through a comparative analysis of standardization systems in Ukraine and the USA. It was established that the integral indicator of the Ukrainian system's development level is 0.53 (satisfactory level) compared to 0.91 (excellent level) for the US system. Key areas of lag were identified: technological methods (-11 points), measurement objectivity (-10 points), and equipment modernity (-10 points). Based on the obtained results, practical recommendations for using the developed methodology have been formulated, including assessment periodicity, requirements for expert group composition, process documentation procedures, and directions for result utilization. The methodology creates a scientific foundation for systematic monitoring of the standardization system development and substantiation of management decisions regarding its modernization.
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