• N. I. Domantsevych Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • B. P. Yatsyshyn “Lviv Polytechnic” National University
  • L. Vasylyshyn Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: aging, polyethylene packaging films, properties, polymer composition, factors of polymer films using


The theoretical aspects of aging processes of polymeric materials as well as definition of terms according to normative documents are considered in the article. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the problem of polymeric materials aging and to research the aging process of special purpose packaging polyethylene films with modifying additives. The classification of the main types of aging is presented. The analysis of aging factors of polyethylene films acting during their using as packing materials is carried out. The modeled image of a polymeric film properties changes under the influence of action of one factor during different periods of time is presented. The peculiarities of the complex action of aging factors on the properties of polymer films for packaging purposes are shown. It is determined that the combination of factors influencing polymeric materials, intensity and duration of their action over time is difficult to predict, but understanding the general mechanism of action allows to improve and preserve the properties of the material. The change of properties of polyethylene films of packing purpose depending on terms and conditions of using is defined. The influence of the constituent components of polymer compositions on the duration of operation and the possibility of their further use as packaging materials is determined. It is pointed out that the aging processes occur in polymeric materials throughout the life cycle, from the time of their manufacture to the end of service life. It is shown that the modification of polymer films by inhibitors, plasticizers and other components affects the aging process. Because of that changes of the material structure take place as well as of its crystallinity. This provides a certain mobility of the polymer units. Further research should be aimed at in-depth study of the polymer films aging mechanism, the establishment of a quantitative relationship between the influence of various factors on the rate of aging.


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