• N. I. Domantsevych Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: additives, supplements, motor fuels, technical regulations


Improving environmental and energy security is an urgent problem of our country. Environmental pollution, threatening environmental situation have led to changes in the petrochemical research in the direction to developing additives for motor fuels that can significantly improve their properties. Improving the quality of motor fuels, improving their environmental friendliness is an urgent issue today, because the use of oil-based fuels remains extremely popular in Ukraine. The use of additives and supplements to motor fuels can partially improve the situation. There are additives that improve anti-detonation, anti-corrosion, detergent and other properties of fuels. The problem of increasing the octane number of gasolines around the world is solved comprehensively - by improving the technology of traditional refining processes and the use of appropriate additives. The use of anti-wear, anti-smoke additives is relevant for diesel fuels. The purpose of the publication is to generalize the classification and analysis of additives to motor fuels, introduction of additives into the composition of motor fuels, which allows to improve the environmental, functional properties, boost engine power by increasing the completeness of combustion, to solve problems of unsatisfactory starting, anti-wear and anti-corrosive properties in the process of application of mixed fuels. Research has shown, that the ratio of components, the right combination of different additives as well as the optimization of their composition are very important.


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