• T. M. Lozova Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: confectionery, waffles, non-traditional ingredients, minerals


The article presents the results of research related to the optimization of the mineral composition of flour confectionery on the example of waffles. It is recommended to use non-traditional natural origin ingredients for production of confectionery as way to improve its mineral composition. According to the results of the study, the use of the following ingredients (kg / t) in the new waffles is proposed: in model sample № 1 – milk powder (107.6), flower pollen (20.99) and walnut oil (19.13); in sample № 2 – milk powder (94.92), extruded bean flour (32.39), natural honey (72.87) and black elderflower powder (24.29); in sample № 3 – milk powder (63.89), powder of bergamot leaves (1.41), linden flower powder (43.86) and cranberry fruit powder (61.40). Traditional “Artek” waffles were used as a control sample. The results of commodity evaluation of the obtained new products are given, which confirm the improvement of organoleptic and compliance of physicochemical quality indicators. The use of new natural ingredients has led to an improvement in the elemental composition. All model prototypes of waffles differ from the control one by the increased quantitative content of macro- and microelements, in particular calcium (2.6-3.2 times), magnesium (1.64-1.9 times), phosphorus (1.56-1.7 times), iron (1.66-3.2 times). The content of selenium, which has strong antioxidant properties, increased 4.8-5.6 times. It should be noted that in the new waffles, the integrated score for calcium increased by 4.6-5.7%, magnesium – by 4.8-5.5%, phosphorus – by 3.6-3.9%, iron – by 7 , 5-14.4%, copper – by 2.5-13%.Consumption of 100 g of new products will meet the body’s need for selenium by 8.9-10.5%, while control sample – only 1.9%. According to the evaluation criterion, the ratio of Ca:Mg = 1:0.5-0.9:0.4 (in control – 0.8:0.7) and the ratio of Ca:P = 1.1: 1.4-1: 1 , 5-1,2: 1,3 (in the control 0,7:1,8) model samples approach optimum values. This indicates the significant advantages of new products, as it shows better digestibility of the elements.


Глобальні проблеми людства: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 07.02.2020).

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