• N. V. Merezhko Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • V. V. Tkachuk Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: motor fuels, performance properties, price, equipment, costs


In conditions of significant dependence of Ukraine on foreign petroleum products, there is an urgent need to build its own potential in the oil refining industry, to increase the efficiency of already developed oil fields and to develop new ones using advanced oil production technologies. Diversification of business entities activities, introduction of Ukraine in the global economic space raise the issues of improving the quality of products and services. The products of the fuel&energy industry, in particular gasoline and diesel fuel, which are the basis of the world and national fuel and energy balance of the economy and are widely used in all types of economic activity, are not the exception. In the conditions of Ukraine's energy dependence, total falsification of oil products, ecological situation in our country and the world, improvement of operational and ecological properties of motor fuels, use of bioadditives under the condition of economic expediency is an important issue of today. Production of gasoline and diesel fuel with high consumption properties will: increase the country's GDP; consolidate its position on the national and world oil products market; ensure the ecological security of the country; form the potential of the country's fuel industry; ensure socio-ecological and economic efficiency. The article investigates the efficiency of production of the proposed gasoline and diesel fuel with bioadditives. The purpose of the article is to determine the efficiency of introduction into the production of high-octane gasoline and diesel fuel with bioadditives, and to assess the economic feasibility of such production. High-quality oil refined products will reduce the eco-destructive burden on the environment, ensure the ecological safety of the country, improve the performance of vehicles (road, air, sea), meet the demands of consumers and more. The calculations show the economic feasibility and efficiency of the proposed production line, the profitability of which for the production of 1 ton of gasoline with bioadditives is 7.9%, and the profitability of the sale of 1 ton of diesel fuel with bioadditives – 20.9%.


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