• A. A. Samoilenko Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
  • O. Р. Yudicheva Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Keywords: marshmallows, marking, packaging, taste and smell, consistency, surface condition, appearance


Useful properties of marshmallows can be fully manifested only in high-quality products obtained from appropriate raw materials in compliance with the recipe and manufacturing technology, as well as conditions of transportation, storage and sale. Under these conditions, the role of monitoring, in which quality plays an extremely important role in meeting the needs of Ukrainian consumers, is always relevant. The purpose of the article is to study the quality of white-pink marshmallows produced in Ukraine, and the peculiarities of the application by manufacturers of current legislation on information for consumers about food products on its example. Samples of seven brands were selected for research: «Roshen», «Jaco», «Boguslavna», «ARO», «CLEVER», «Svoya Liniya» and «Pershiy Ryad». No ruptures were found during the evaluation of the packaging appearance, it was whole, clean, aesthetic. The brightest was the packaging of «Roshen», «Jaco» and «Boguslavna» marshmallows trademarks, the remaining 4 samples are packed in a transparent stuff with information on it. The information on the labeling of marshmallows of all brands was complete, sufficiently clear and met the requirements of the standard and the Law of Ukraine "On information for consumers about food products". Most of the samples had additional information on special storage conditions (except for «Roshen» and «Boguslavna» trademarks). The сonducted analysis showed that the raw material composition of marshmallows samples has some differences, but it is almost 90% identical and contains: sugar, molasses, apple puree, egg white, gelling agent - mainly pectin (for «Roshen» the gelling agent was agar). Lactic acid served as a regulator of acidity for all samples, but in some brands sodium citrate or lactate, various flavors and natural dye "Carmine" were added. All samples were labeled - GMO-free. Whitepink marshmallows differed in taste and smell inherent in the name and the specified aromatizers (the smell of marshmallows of «Pershiy Ryad», «Svoya Liniya» and «CLEVER» trademarks was a little disharmonious); color - met the requirements of the standard (the most attractive, according to tasters, was in the products of «Roshen» trademark), the amount of marshmallows of different colors in the package is the same. The products were whole, broken samples and rough hardening were not found. The consistency is friable only in «Roshen» marshmallows, slightly stretchy in «Jaco» and very stretchy in other samples and in products of «Pershiy Ryad» trademark even slightly wet inside. It should be noted that the highest scores for taste and smell were not received by any of the studied samples of marshmallows and only «Roshen» received the highest score for consistency. All physical and chemical parameters were at an acceptable level or did not exceed the established norms as well as met the standard. Further researches will focus on the study of microbiological indicators and safety indicators of marshmallows.


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