• I. M. Oshchypok Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • N. S. Palko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O. Ja. Davydovych Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • L.M. Bagriy Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: additive, meat, vegetable, protein, technology, electroactivated water


The article considers the application of hydrated additives of various classes in meat processing technology. The meat raw material, having its unique chemical-physical form, requires the use in combination with it of such a protein product that would be combined according to the biochemical, amino acid composition, color, consistency, etc. One of the promising directions in the creation of food products is the development, design and production of products of polycomponent composition, combining a balanced complex of nutrients essential to the body. The amino acid composition of soy protein is the closest one, from all sources of plant proteins, to the protein of meat and fish. Isoflavones, oligosaccharides (raffinose and stoichiosis) contained in soy have anticancer effect, amino acids (glycine and arginine), lecithin, saponin – anticholesterinemic, edible fibers – antidiabetic properties. A significant reserve of increase in the volume of meat products production, the introduction of low-waste and non-waste technologies are the following types of secondary raw materials such as pork skins, meat scraps, connective tissue from meat tendons. For improving the consistency of sausage products and reducing its cost in modern production technologies are widely used polysaccharides (hydrocolloids) – carrageenans as structural formers and wetting components. Qualitative indices of electroactivated water, compared with ordinary drinking tap water, allowed to establish that, in accordance with the requirements for drinking water, the fraction of electroactivated water is an environmentally friendly and safe component that can be used for the hydration of additives of various classes.


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