• I. F. Lanytsya Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: amaranth flour, amaranth meal, cutted meat semi-finished products, quality indicators


The article considers the factors of deterioration of the health of the population of Ukraine, which arose as a result of problems with ensuring a balanced diet. Ways to solve this problem are identified: development and introduction of recipes and technologies for the production of new, organic food, search for non-traditional high-protein raw materials of plant origin, increasing their availability for different segments of the population. The research of scientists in the direction of creation of cutted meat semi-finished products of the increased nutritional and biological value at the expense of addition to them of plant raw materials: rape, Jerusalem artichoke, elecampane root, lupine, etc. is analyzed. Amaranth has been identified as a promising raw material with a high content of balanced proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. The optimal amount of amaranth flour as a substitute for raw meat in the production of cutted semi-finished products was determined. It was found that the replacement of 10% beef cutlet meat with amaranth flour improves the physical and chemical properties of cutted semi-finished and finished products (increases the plasticity of minced meat and the yield of finished products, reduces losses during heat treatment). It is experimentally proven that meat products with the addition of amaranth flour have higher organoleptic characteristics than natural ones. Promising recipes for combined meat products - cutlets and steaks using amaranth flour have been developed.


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