• A. A. Shyshkina Kryvyi Rih National University
  • A. A. Shyshkin Kryvyi Rih National University
Keywords: water, concrete, strength, surfactant, structure


The article considers the theoretical aspects of the processes of forming the strength of finegrained concrete. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the problem of forming the strength of concrete and to consider the problem of increasing the rate of formation of the structure of fine-grained concrete of high strength and to investigate the effect of surfactant complexes, one of which is colloidal. The classification of the main types of influence on the structure of concrete is presented. The analysis of the factors influencing durability of concrete is carried out. It is shown that the structure of composite materials can be defined as a certain placement in space of individual structural elements (crystals, neoplasms, pores, fillers and fillers) taking into account their quantitative ratio and the nature of the interaction between them. The properties of building composite materials are controlled primarily by changing internal factors, each of which exerts its influence and makes certain changes in the properties of materials. It is determined that it is recommended to change the properties of concrete: by providing the necessary chemical and mineralogical composition and structural features of Portland cement clinker, dispersion of Portland cement, mechanochemical activation of cements with the introduction of superplasticizers in the grinding process, introduction of special additives. Binders obtained by combined grinding of Portland cement clinker, mineral components and additives of the plasticizing group with the formation of organo-mineral complexes between Portland cement minerals and surfactant molecules retain the advantages of finely ground cements with a significant reduction in their water consumption. A model image of changes in concrete strength over time under the influence of hydrophobic surfactant, hydrophilic surfactant, polyalcohol and their mixtures in aqueous solution is presented. The peculiarities of changing the strength of concrete depending on the type of surfactant and its amount in aqueous solution are shown. It is established that the combination of different types of surfactants leads to a change in the nature of the formation of concrete strength.


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