• S. V. Galko Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • V. V. Tkachuk Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: motor fuel, classification, UCGFEA, import, tariff regulation, import taxation


Motor fuels are liquid petroleum products and make up the majority of oil refining products; therefore, they attract the attention of analysts and market researchers. At the same time, sometimes the clear classification and separation of researched goods from the total volume of petroleum products is neglected by researchers, that may be explained by indeterminate affiliation of motor fuels to specific UCGFEA codes and, as a result, when monitoring the motor fuels market, inaccuracies in drawing conclusions about its condition may arise. The purpose of this article was to analyze and summarize the classification of motor fuels according to UCGFEA and to review the current tariff regulation for motor fuels imported by Ukraine. UCGFEA analysis allowed to determine the main classification characteristics of motor fuel, namely: type of motor fuel, fractional composition of motor fuel, content / presence of individual elements in the composition, in particular lead content, content and mass fraction of sulphur, bioethanol or ethyl tert-butyl ether or their mixtures, the octane number determined by the research method. Our systematized classification / sorting of motor fuels with UCGFEA codes will allow in the future for market researchers to distinguish motor fuels by the given codes and track statistics on the required types of motor fuels and unmistakeably segment the markets they review. It can also be useful in modeling the Ukraine’s oil products market, as well as in planning and forecasting of the state policy for the development of the oil market. As part of the study, we found that when importing motor fuel into Ukraine, such payments are paid as import duty (from 0% to 10%), special duty (4% for diesel fuel from the Russian Federation, moving by pipeline), excise duty (from 139,5 to 320,25 euros per 1000 litters at 15°C) and VAT (20%). The analysis of tariff regulation of imported motor fuels in Ukraine allows to understand the current situation of tariff protection of Ukraine and can serve as a basis for further formation of trade policy of Ukraine in relation to motor fuels.


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