• R. O. Blishch Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • N. Z. Petryshyn Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • I. M. Babych Educational and Scientific Institute of Food Technologies of the National University of Food Technologies
Keywords: beer, hops, alternative raw materials, ingredients, substitution


Beer is a rather complex system of organic and inorganic crystalloids and colloids in a weak aqueous-alcoholic solution. It contains more than 400 compounds that determine its high quality. The most valuable in beer are the bitter substances of hops, which give it a kind of pleasant bitterness and contribute to biological stability. Hops, which only recently threatened to absorb everything in a rush of green bitterness, are now retreating to take their rightful place among other ways to brew delicious and expressive beer. Many craft makers look closely at other plants specific to particular regions and try to brew beer with respect for local traditions. Hops are an indispensable component of any beer, but in case of excessive consumption has a negative effect on the human body. Recent research suggests that hops have a negative effect on the human body, because hop cones contain 8-prenylnaringenin, a substance that belongs to the class of phytoestrogens. Therefore, the replacement of hops with other non-traditional raw materials is a promising area of research. The full list of ingredients that are used as a surrogate for hops or to provide alternative flavors is quite large. The partial replacement of hops with natural plant raw materials (needles of coniferous trees), which is close to hops in terms of its properties and chemical composition, is considered. The use of yarrow, horseradish, elderberry, ginger and other alternative to hops plants in beer production is also characterized. It is concluded that when choosing raw materials (hops substitutes) it is necessary to pay special attention to their chemical composition and effect on the human body, because after addition most of these properties will affect beer quality. It is proved that innovative technologies with the use of non-traditional raw materials as a substitute for hops can be recommended for use in brewing to expand the samples of products that have a positive effect on the human body.


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