• N. V. Bozhko Medical Institute of the Sumy State University
  • V. І. Tischenko Sumy National Agrarian University
  • V. M. Pasichnyi National University of Food Technologies
Keywords: semi-smoked, sausages, duck meat, bamboo, fiber


The article considers the importance of solving the issues of developing new types of functional products, expanding the range of health products for mass consumption, rational use of raw meat. The development of new combined meat products with such functional ingredients as waterfowl and bamboo fiber will achieve a synergistic effect and, as a result, increase the therapeutic effect of both meat and vegetable raw materials. The aim of this research was to study the possibility of replacing the meat in the recipe of semismoked sausages with the appropriate amount of Muscovy duck meat and the effect of the amount of added hydrated bamboo fiber on the functional, technological and organoleptic properties of products. Studies have shown that the complete replacement of beef with duck meat in the recipe of semi-smoked sausages does not reduce the physic, chemical and organoleptic quality of the finished product. The optimal degree of hydration of bamboo fiber 1:3 was determined, which provides a high level of functional-technological and organoleptic indicators of new products. The combinations of duck meat and bamboo fiber in the developed ratio allows obtaining minced model systems and increase the moisture-binding capacity by 19.8%, moisture-holding capacity by 32.35%, emulsifying properties by an average of 20%. High FTP of the developed forcemeats provides reception of qualitative indicators of an organoleptic assessment of finished products. Technological and medical-biological risks that are present in the technology of a new product depend on the contact of the food system with sunlight, air, violation of the shelf life. These factors cause deterioration of the organoleptic properties of the products and can potentially contribute to the destruction of physiologically useful nutrients. The combination of new ingredients, chemical modifications of substances during storage create a risk of oxidative damage. Therefore, further prospects for research on the new product are the use of additional techniques to prevent oxidation and the associated deterioration of the organoleptic properties of the products.


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