• S. L. Kolesnichenko Odesa National Academy of Food Technology
Keywords: encapsulated emulsions, lecithin, physiologically active functional ingredients, oil extracts, restaurant technology


Consumer motivations today indicate that the main attention is paid to the ingredient composition and quality of food. This necessitates the production of products that meet modern ideas about healthy eating. Also, the high nutritional value, novelty and functional orientation of dishes significantly affect the competitiveness of restaurants. Today, lecithins have become a mandatory prescription component of the vast majority of products based on water-fat emulsions, ice cream, cheese, confectionery, etc. There are two aspects of the feasibility of consuming lecithins in food: 1) technological – for the design of food systems; 2) preventive and curative – to replenish the physiological needs of the body and correct metabolic disorders. In the restaurant industry, lecithins are not widely used, namely only in molecular cuisine technologies in the production of foams and air sauces. Therefore, the aim of the work was to develop a recipe and technology for the preparation of encapsulated emulsion sauces using lecithin, agar-agar and oil extracts of spices. Theoretical and practical expediency of creating an encapsulated sauce is substantiated. Lecithin composition lecithin-oil extracts of spices-mineral water with the addition of agar-agar has an orderly structure of lamellar emulsion, which contributes to the incorporation into its composition, preservation from adverse effects and improvement of organoleptic characteristics of biologically active substances, as well as their better absorption. Also, plant lecithins can be considered as physiological functional nutrients with high efficiency of physiological effects for dishes for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The paper presents microphotographs of crushed spices in transmitted light and encapsulated sauce in polarized light. The organoleptic characteristics of the sauce are given. The shelf life of the developed sauce is substantiated on the basis of microbiological safety indicators.


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