• V. T. Lebedynets Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • I. V. Dontsova Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • V. V Havrylychyn Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • А. I. Lebedynets Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: biscuit semi-finished products, gluten-free confectionery, corn flour, sesame meal, organoleptic parameters, physicochemical parameters, nutritional value


Flour confectionery is traditionally one of the components in the diet of many people around the world, so expanding the range of these products using biologically valuable raw materials for special purposes is relevant. To substantiate the prescription composition of gluten-free biscuit semi-finished products, highgrade wheat flour was replaced by corn flour and sesame meal in different ratios: 50:50; 70:30; 30:70. On the basis of the conducted researches of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of quality of gluten-free biscuit semi-finished products the possibility of using corn flour and sesame meal to replace wheat flour in the ratio 50:50 is derermined. The developed products are characterized by excellent organoleptic characteristics, good volume and porosity. It has been determined that the developed biscuit semi-finished products have a pleasant sesame taste and their color has rich yellow shades. The developed biscuit semi-finished products are characterized by an increased content of proteins, minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron), vitamins as well as dietary fibers. This is due to the fact that the unconventional raw materials used prevail over wheat flour in terms of the content of these substances. Due to the more balanced amino acid composition of sesame meal and corn flour, the biological value of the developed semi-finished products also increases. As a result of the conducted researches the expediency of use of corn flour and sesame meal for development of biscuit semi-finished products recipes is substantiated. Regularities that determine the positive influence on organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of corn flour and sesame meal in a ratio of 50:50 are revealed. In terms of nutritional and biological value, the best was a sample of biscuit semi-finished product with the replacement of wheat flour by 30% of corn flour and 70% of sesame meal, but this sample was significantly inferior to others in terms of organoleptic characteristics. The use of baked biscuit semifinished products based on corn flour and sesame meal in a ratio of 50:50 will expand the range of gluten-free confectionery. Replacement of wheat flour with corn flour and sesame meal allowed to completely remove gluten from the biscuit recipe, that was the main goal of our research.


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