• O. L. Lysenko Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: chocolate, porous chocolate, aeration, tempering, gas, carbon dioxide, nitrogen


Chocolate is the most popular dessert in the world. It is used both in its pure form and as a variety of fillings, decorations. The main thing is to choose a quality product. The most useful is the bitter, black type, because it contains less sugar, which means that it is less caloric. It contains a lot of protein and perfectly satisfies hunger, increases brain function due to caffeine content. It contains such valuable substances as flavonoids. Their benefit is that they clean the blood vessels of cholesterol. Therefore, chocolate is an excellent product for maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. Chocolate, like any other sweet, is an excellent antidepressant. Cocoa beans, which are the main ingredient in chocolate, are powerful antioxidants. Therefore, this dessert rejuvenates the body’s cells, strengthens the immune system and neutralizes free radicals, thus preventing cancer. It also has the ability to raise blood pressure, which is useful for people with hypotension. People who are overweight, and especially with diabetes, need to reduce their consumption to a minimum. Chocolate is a common cause of allergies, especially in children. Excessive consumption of this dessert can provoke skin rashes. That is why the study of chocolate production remains relevant today. The purpose of this work is to study and select in production conditions the optimal parameters of the chocolate mass, and technological, for the manufacture of porous chocolate. Determine the most convenient way to aerate the chocolate mass and gas mixture for this process. In this article, we raise the issue of porous chocolate production. Here are the main critical points in the production of this product: storage tanks, casting head, wrapping section, packaging and labeling; rheological parameters of different types of chocolate: dynamic viscosity mPas (CMM white – 3140, CMM milk – 4324, CMM black – 3147), plastic viscosity mPas (CMM white – 2274, CMM milk – 2113, CMM black – 1810); yield strength N / ml (CMM white – 1,543, CMM milk – 7,87, CMM black – 5,059), the degree of grinding, μm. (CMM white – 19, CMM dairy – 16, CMM black – 16) and features of its gas saturation: the choice of the method of aeration under pressure, in the tempered chocolate mass by injecting gases (CO2 and N2). The organoleptic indicators of porous chocolate quality, physicochemical parameters of technological process, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products are also given, and the optimal modes of tempering of chocolate masses are established. In the perspective of further research, we plan to expand the range of porous chocolate by creating new flavors (eg porous chocolate with caramel taste, fruit flavors based on white chocolate mass).


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