• A. A. Menchynska National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • А. О. Ivanyuta National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • O. S. Pylypchuk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: caviar, puddings, vegetable ingredients, quality indicators, manufacturing technology


The article deals with the expediency and efficiency of improvement of the technology of fish caviar puddings. Сurrent state and prospects of development of the fishing industry have been analyzed. Perspective directions of processing of domestic fish raw materials and expansion of the range of fish products have been determined. Based on the literature, it has been established that the caviar of freshwater fish is characterized by low organoleptic characteristics, while being enriched with biologically valuable proteins, lipids, vitamins, macro-and micronutrients. The expediency of using fish caviar to develop new food products with improved organoleptic characteristics, increased nutritional and biological value has been theoretically substantiated. Effectiveness of combining of fish caviar with vegetable raw materials for the development of new culinary fish products of high nutritional value has been experimentally confirmed. Through experimental research, the ingredient composition has been optimized and recipes for new casserole dishes based on freshwater fish caviar (carp) and vegetable raw materials (spinach, pumpkin, mushrooms, onions, kelp) have been developed. Physico-chemical and organoleptic researches of indicators of quality of finished products have been carried out. Based on the research results, compliance of the indicators with the requirements of the standard has been established. Thus, a salt content does not exceed the norm – 2,5%, all of the samples have a dense consistency. Sample № 2 had the highest score, according to the organoleptic parameters. Sample № 2 has the highest values of protein and fat – 32,22% and 3,939%, respectively, the mineral content is in the range of 2,14–2,26%, the highest moisture content in the control sample – 72,7%, and the lowest in the sample № 2 – 61,57%. A shelf life for these products has been set – 48 hours chilled or 3 months frozen (-18 °С) since manufactured. Based on the analysis of theoretical and experimental research, the technology of production of caviar puddings based on freshwater fish caviar and plant components has been improved.


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