• I. M Oshchypok Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: composite, flour, mixes, sausage, lentils


Flour in sausage production is used to give the product the desired dense consistency and sufficient moisture without excess. It is determined that by moisture-retaining capacity (MRC) the flour types can be arranged in the following row: wheat>pea>rice>mustard>soybean. It is found out that the pH of aqueous suspensions of soybean and rice flour is in the range of 7.2–7.3, pea and wheat – 6.8–6.9, which determines the possibility of their technological application. The most commonly used cereal from wheat grains – semolina. It is shown that the introduction of salt by mass fraction from 0 to 5% in different ways affects the MRC. Thus, the MRC of pea flour and mustard flour increases with growing salt concentration, decreases in wheat flour and remains unchanged in soybean flour, due to the different effects of ionic bonds on the properties of proteins and polysaccharides in the composition of flour. These properties were determined under heat treatment for 15 minutes at 75 °C. According to the value of fat-retaining capacity (FRC), which was determined in the mentioned conditions of heat treatment, flour types form the following row: wheat>pea>rice>mustard>soybean. Studies of emulsion properties (EP) have shown that soybean flour and pea flour, as well as mustard flour are able to stabilize vegetable oil emulsions that are resistant to heat treatment. For wheat flour and rice flour, the formation of stable emulsions is not observed. The results of the analysis of the chemical composition of crushed red lentil seeds, including the amino acid composition of proteins, are presented. The main direction of research was aimed at the development of composite flour mixtures based on wheat flour, enriched with full-fledged protein, dietary fibers and minerals from lentil seeds. The choice of lentil was due to the fact that it has high nutritional and biological value. Lentil seeds have a high protein content (21.3–36.0%), balanced by amino acid composition. In lentil seeds proteins the main fractions are globulins (85.9%), besides proteins are by nature full-fledged. Lentils is rich in minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and selenium. In addition, lentil seeds are characterized by a high content of vitamins: β-carotene, PP, B1, B2, B6. Lentil seeds are used in the daily diet, as well as in medical, children's and vegetarian diets. Wheat baking flour of various varieties was chosen as the most popular raw material in the production of many foods. A comparative analysis of the chemical composition of varietal wheat flour and crushed red lentil seeds shows a significant advantage of the latter in terms of protein content, dietary fibers and minerals, including calcium and magnesium. As a result of computer modeling, the dosage of crushed red lentil seeds was determined, which will allow to obtain composite flour mixtures with high biological value of protein. The data of the analysis of the chemical composition of composite flour mixtures from wheat baking flour of different grades and crushed red lentil seeds are presented. It is determined that the selected dosages of crushed red lentil seeds allow to create composite flour mixtures with a high content of protein (18.9–17.0%), dietary fibers (11.32– 8.6%) and minerals (2.21–1,9%), including calcium and magnesium. The proteins of the developed composite flour mixtures differ by a high value of the coefficient of rationality of the aminoacid composition (0.87–0.86) and a low value of the indicator of “compared redundancy” (5.4–5.9).


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