• M. M. Samilyk Sumy National Agrarian University
  • N. V Bolhova Sumy National Agrarian University
  • F. V. Pertsevoy Sumy National Agrarian University
  • O. P Bykov Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: jelly marmalade, osmotic dehydration, flavoring additives, sensory evaluation, aromatic properties, agar, gelatin


The article analyzes modern methods of making jelly marmalade based on the waste of processing plant raw materials into candied vegetables. The purpose of the article is to expand the range of jelly marmalade from secondary raw materials with high nutritional value and minimum raw material costs. The technology of complex processing of root vegetables into candied fruits by the method of osmotic dehydration is presented, which allows preserving the biological value of the product as much as possible. A technology for the manufacture of jelly marmalade from the wastes of the production of candied vegetables is proposed. It is recommended to use a sugar solution as the main raw material, which is used as an osmotic medium. The sugar solution (syrup) after dehydration of the beets had a characteristic cherry color, after the carrots it was light-straw. A recipe for jelly marmalade with the aroma of carrots and beetroot has been developed, which allows you to preserve the content of vitamins and minerals, the natural color, aroma and taste of vegetables. In the course of the study, gelling agents of plant (agar) and animal (gelatin) origin were analyzed, it was found that agar creates the highest jelly strength. Natural flavoring characteristics of raw materials make it possible to abandon synthetic colors, flavors and other food additives in the production of marmalade. Using this semi-finished product, it is possible to exclude sugar, molasses, flavors and dyes from the marmalade formulation, reducing the cost of the finished product. The indicators determined in all studied samples are within the normal range, which makes it possible to use this technology in industrial conditions. The main directions of further research have been determined, namely, the study of the chemical composition and nutritional value of vegetable marmalade made from the waste of the production of candied vegetables.


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