• T. P. Synenko Sumy National Agrarian University
  • N. E. Frolova National University of Food Technologies
Keywords: whey proteins, Protolad, enzymatic hydrolysis, optimization, mathematical modeling


The article considers the tendencies of production of natural flavoring additives of gastronomic direction. The expediency of using whey proteins in flavoring additives is substantiated. The purpose of the article is mathematical modeling of the process of hydrolysis of whey proteins by the criterion of maximum yield of free amino acids using an enzyme catalyst. In experimental studies using a commercial whey protein concentrate (WPC-80 UV) and alkaline bacterial protease “Protolad”. Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis parameters was performed by the method of response surfaces, using a central composite rotatable plan. The process of enzymatic hydrolysis of whey proteins and obtaining low molecular weight peptides and amino acids is presented in the form of a parametric scheme. Determined significant technological parameters of enzymatic hydrolysis of whey protein: concentration of enzyme preparation (F, %) and substrate (S, %), pH of the medium (pH), temperature (t, °C) and duration of the hydrolysis process (τ, min). The process is optimized for the initial parameters of the models – the nitrogen content of amine groups (NAG, mg /100 g). The results of the experiments and mathematical processing of the data in the form of regression equations were derived model of hydrolyzed whey protein under the action of enzymes. Regression analysis of the data showed all the selected factors and their interactions are significant, the level of reliability exceeds 95%. As a result of stepby- step analysis of the developed mathematical model, the process of hydrolysis of whey proteins by the enzyme preparation “Protolad” is optimized. It was established that the most profound degree of hydrolysis occurs following technological parameters: concentration of enzyme 4±0,01% and substrate 18±0,5%, pH 7,7±0,1 and ambient temperature 57±2 °C, process duration 75 min.


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