• T. Yu. Sutkovich Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka “Poltava University of Economics and Trade”
  • O. M. Gorobets Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka “Poltava University of Economics and Trade”
  • V. M. Sheludko Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka “Poltava University of Economics and Trade”
  • L. O. Polozhyshnikova Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka “Poltava University of Economics and Trade”
Keywords: flour-confectionery, technology, gingerbread, dough, vege-table raw materials, pumpkin puree


The article highlights the possibility of improving the gingerbread technology by adding carotenecontaining raw materials. The work purpose is the possibility of using pumpkin puree in gingerbread technology. Studies have shown that the use of vegetable raw materials of high nutritional value enriches flour confectionery and increases their biological value by using of biologically active substances vegetable raw materials. Pumpkin has a unique chemical composition and nutrition with pumpkin positively affects on the human health. Therefore, it is possible to use pumpkin in the flour products technology and get products for functional purposes. It is known that β-carotene and vitamin E are antioxidants. It is scientifically substantiated that sample with 40% pumpkin puree is enriched by vitamins and has a longer shelf-life than control sample. The influence of pumpkin puree content on product organoleptic quality indicators has been studied. The complex quality indicators of gingerbreads has been researched. It has been revealed that the sample with the content of puree of 40 % of total raw materials has the best characteristics. It has been established that in sample with the content of puree of 40 % the moisture content increases by almost 2% compared to the control, and the fragility decreases by 39,4%, accordingly. The influence of pumpkin puree on the product shape stability has been studied. It has been established that sample with 40% of pumpkin puree saves shape stability. The absorb ability of gingerbread has been studied. It has been found that the sample with 40% of pumpkin puree has a bigger rate of swelling than the control sample on 18%. The changes in the moisture content in different samples of gingerbread during storage have been studied. It is established that the mass fraction of moisture decreases in the experimental sample by 1,48%, in the control by 5,7% during 45 days storage. The fragility index of gingerbread has been determined. It has been found that the fragility increases over time: in the control sample by 3,14% and in the experimental by 1,94%, accordingly for 45 days.


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