• M. V Ianchyk National University of Food Technologies
  • V. V. Kiyko National University of Food Technologies
  • M. V. Mazur National University of Food Technologies
Keywords: carob, carob-based chocolate, prospects of use, protein composition, glycemic index


The aim of the article is to determine the prospects of using carob for chocolate production. As confectionery products are very popular among the population, in order to reduce their negative impact on the human body there is a need to create and scientifically substantiate new products with improved ingredients through the use of new types of special and environmentally friendly food raw materials. The article presents the general characteristics of carob, it is determined that it belongs to the functional food products, due to its unique chemical composition. Comparative characteristics of carob with cocoa powder showed that carob contains less fat and protein, but enriched with dietary fiber, micro- and macronutrients, its chemical composition is completely balanced in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Also considered are studies of scientists and reseachers on the possibility of using carob in the confectionery industry, which showed that it is a promising raw material and its use will expand the range of confectionery products and increase their biological value. In the course of research the comparison of the protein composition of the developed sample of chocolate based on carob with the addition of sesame seeds and peanuts with control, namely with chocolate based on carob without additives and chocolate with a cocoa content of 60%. From the obtained results it became obvious that the amount of protein in the developed chocolate sample is much higher than in the control samples. Determination of the glycemic index of the developed sample and control samples showed that they all have a low glycemic index, however, carob-based chocolate does not contain added sugar, which raises blood sugar, so it can be consumed by patients with diabetes. Further research should be aimed at determining the physical and facial and microbiological parameters of the developed sample of chocolate based on carob.


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