• M. S. Bednarchuk Lviv Research Forensic Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Keywords: individual protective measures, identification, requirements, normative legal acts, certificate of conformity, conformity declaration, instruction operating, technical characteristics


Nowdays modern conditions of significant growth in the information space of reports about accidents, fires, epidemics, in particular, COVID-19, which all countries without exception are covered, special importance attain issues related to the quality and safety of personal protective measures. All these aspects of human life and activity are united using such specific products, which require special attention due to the doubtful quality of the part, actively imported into the customs territory of the country without a proper control. Using dangerous and unqualified products of the type has a negative impact on person, create endanger to the life and may even lead to the death. In the process of the pre-judicial investigation of accidents, professional diseases, law enforcement bodies appoint commodity expertize for the purpose of getting conclusions for setting the reasons of mentioned events and the accidental relationships between actions / inaction of the official / employee and the event, identify the defective products and the material damage. The purpose of the article is to analyze the identification criteria necessary for the classification of products as personal protective measures, as well as to determine the list of documentation, sufficient for conducting a commodity research in order to define their quality and safety. The paper proves that in solving the problems of products’ identification which are considered to be as marking and commodity, accompanying documents as personal protective measures, can not be limited, just obtaining the results of visual inspection with regard to the accordance of constructive implementation’s requirements and properly applied and appropriate labelling. For the final determination that the product is an individual protective means, some further laboratory tests are needed to identify their technical characteristics. The authors proposed a list of documents required to substantiate expediency and algorithm of individual protective means of commodity research in the conditions of accredited testing laboratories. Further researches should be aimed at developing methods for the competent solution of issues that are considered by commodity experts during the conducting examinations of various individual protective means.


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