• M. О. Kraliuk Odesa Research Institute of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
  • N. V. Omelchenko Scientific Research Center “Independent Examination”
  • A. S. Brailko Scientific Research Center “Independent Examination”
Keywords: commodity expertise, personal protective equipment, self-rescuer, safety, quality, research


Accidents related to fires and exposure of toxic gases are one of the main causes of people’s injuries and deaths in mines. To evacuate workers from emergency areas of coal, ore and non-ore mines, insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen are used. The use of low-quality insulating mine self-rescuers that do not meet the requirements of regulations is dangerous and threatens or even leads to death. This is facilitated by the simplified procedure of importing these products to the territory of Ukraine, and therefore before the commissioning of insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen it is necessary to test them in accredited laboratories. Too liberal certification conditions necessitate an independent commodity expertize to establish safety and suitability for functional use of insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen. The necessity of development of methodological support of identification and commodity expertize of insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen is substantiated. The commodity expertize was conducted in order to establish the safety and suitability for functional use of insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen. The article presents the developed program of commodity expertize of insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen which are imported into the customs territory of Ukraine. The results of its main stages implementation are given, which allowed to get an answer to the questions of the expertise. Namely, it has been established that the insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen model “K-S30” are unusable. This allowed to prevent the implementation of the insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen model “K-S30” and prevented severe consequences and the threat of people’s death from their use. To ensure safe and effective commodity research, objectivity and completeness of the decision of the formulated questions of commodity examinations of the insulating mine self-rescuers on chemically bound oxygen further research should be directed to the development of methods for their identification and commodity examination.


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